At Key Stage 2 students face a number of challenges including entrance examinations and the rigorous SATs in Year 6.  It is crucial that they receive appropriate preparation throughout Key Stage 2 to ensure that they are secondary ready.  This is not about cramming just before the November entrance examinations.

Prepare your child properly for the future

At Summit Key Stage 2 students start their day at 9.00am. Each lesson is one hour and they begin to work with primary specialists in

  • Comprehension
  • Spelling
  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Handwriting
  • Grammar
  • Mathematics

“For all of those thinking about Summit for your child or children, don`t think about it any longer – just do it. I made that decision and now my daughter has been offered a place at Royal Russell School and this is because of the encouragement and confidence she has received in the year she has been attending Summit. The ability was there and it was enhanced by her teachers here. It was an easy decision for me to make as I believe that a good education is something that is essential to the children of today. When she started Summit, after a few weeks even her school teacher noticed the improvement in her work.  In life – when you have children you will always need to make some sort of sacrifice – mine was to spend the money I would have spent on ‘non essential items’ and put it towards helping my daughter to reach her full potential in education. I believe the sacrifice I made was the best I have made in my daughter’’s life. If you believe in your child, make that sacrifice, the rewards are great.”


Small classes enable our teachers to cover these aspects of the curriculum comfortably during the academic year.  They work to ensure that students fully understand and can apply what is taught in the classroom.  Regular monitoring leads to rapid progression.

Now, more than ever before, in primary school teachers must advise you of your child’s specific educational attainment and areas that require development.  We are here to help.

The Summit commitment to working with small groups gives our students a distinct advantage. It allows the teachers to readily pinpoint areas of weakness and deal with them  instantly. Key Stage 2 students are taught a variety of learning strategies. The best results come from pupils who have spent at least 12 months with us are punctual and attend regularly throughout the year.

Our high standard teaching has had the desired outcome with 90% of our pupils entering good secondary school in top sets.

Apply now.. Give your child the head start they need to propel them towards academic success



At the time my daughter started Summit, her confidence in her academic ability was low. The teachers at Summit Saturday School have helped her raise her confidence by supporting her in every possible way.

I feel good about coming to Summit on Saturday morning.  I would come anyway because it improves me and it’s sort of fun.

My impression of Summit is that it has certainly helped Ashwin considerably in his mathematics and non-verbal reasoning.  Basically what he was missing he has gained in techniques to solve complex problems.